My book," The Misadventures of Me, My Autobiography and Ancestral Tales" is now a finished product and is ready for distribution. The book contains 35 chapters and covers my life up until this year. It also covers ancestral tales inspired by family stories and genealogical research. The final three chapters cover Anita and my European cruise and our adventures in Denmark and Ireland. I am offering this book for $25.00 (includes shipping). Make check payable to Charles Sterling and mail it to 15803 Diana Lane, Houston, Texas 77062-4433. Phone 281-286-4433.
Through DNA I discovered that Sterling is spelled 'Stallings' by some of my distant relatives and the DNA of my Ragains and Reagan cousins match the DNA of several distant 'Riggins' cousins. My first inclination was to delay the publication of this manuscript until I am completely satisfied with it. I fear that will never be accomplished because there are unresolved questions connected to every branch of my family tree. Those of you with facts unknown to me are invited to share this information with me. Email me at okiesterling(at)swbell.net or by clicking on my name below.
Some of you may wonder why I use 'okiesterling' as my e-mail address while enjoying life in Houston, Texas. I selected 'okiesterling' because ten of my ancestors resided in either the Indian Territory or the Oklahoma Territory before they were combined to make the State of Oklahoma in 1907. They were:
Grandfather Frank Ragains,
Grandmother Malinda Maude Sims Ragains,
Great Grandfather Pleasant Green Ragains,
Great Grandmother Mary Elizabeth Carlton Ragains,
Great Grandfather Thomas Jefferson Sims,
Great Grandmother Martha Custus McWilliams Sims,
Grandfather William Jefferson Sterling,
Great Grandfather Thomas Eurvin Sterling,
Great Grandmother Sarah Joanna Oliver Sterling and,
Great Great Grandmother Nancy Louise Edwards Oliver.